2025 Conference runs November 11-13, 2025
Tickets are $210 a person through Monday
What is Wedding MBA certification? Wedding MBA Certification is exclusively for wedding professionals and gives engaged couples the confidence to hire you.
How many classes am I required to watch? You are required to watch 9 classes. Each wedding specialty has a custom curriculum curated to your specialty.
What wedding specialties do you offer for certification? We offer certification for the following:
Is certification meant to take the place of attending the in-person Wedding MBA? No. Certification is designed to supplement the in-person conference. Nothing can take the place of meeting other wedding pros and speakers face-to-face.
What is the cost of certification? $135
What do you receive when you are certified? You receive an online badge that can be used on your website, email signatures, and social media. Additionally, you receive a file that may be printed to frame and display your certification. You will be emailed a press release and printable photo op that can be used to announce your new credentials.
Why is certification important? Wedding couples need assurance that they are working with a trained professional and Wedding MBA credentials will help by giving you credibility with potential clients.
Who are the educators? Wedding MBA has vetted and chosen the top-rated educators within your specialty to speak on Business, Tech, Styles & Trends, Law, and Sales. From the hundreds that apply only a select few are chosen to give you a well-rounded curriculum.
How is certification done? Your certification is completed online. Most attendees who complete certification will also attend our next in-person event on November 12-14, 2024 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The in-person event is meant to complement online certification.
What if I want to be certified in two different wedding specialties? You may get certified in multiple wedding specialties. Each specialty requires a separate certification.
Are there different levels of certification? Yes, there are 3 levels (Basic, Elite, and Master).
I have more questions on certification, who should I contact? Call or email Shannon@WeddingMBA or 480-636-1066 to answer additional questions.