2025 Conference runs November 11-13, 2025

Tickets are $210 a person through Sunday





2025 Conference runs November 11-13, 2025

Tickets are $210 a person through Sunday



Wedding Venue Seminars

Lightning Round:Amp Up Your Venue Sales

Ian Ramirez, Co-Owner, Venue Help Desk and Venue Director, Madera Estates

Your venue sales have hit another plateau. You feel drained. It seems that every new inquiry is determined to ghost you. If you get them to your property and don’t book them on the spot, your chances decrease dramatically.

  • Real-world sales stories from venue pros
  • Six techniques to get and close a new lead
  • Proven guide to book the venue sale

Tour De Force:Powerful Open Houses

Tirzah Caffee, Owner, Alexander Homestead

Over 90% of engaged couples tour venues before they book. The average couple looks at four venues before they make a final decision. How do you increase the chances they choose your venue over your competitors? Without hiring mermaids, tap dancers, or a full orchestra, how do you make your open houses and tours memorable without breaking your budget?

  • Customized tours that increase booking ratios
  • Food, fashion, music, and florals
  • Open house alternatives

Venue-Full:Follow Up And Follow Through

Julia Henning, CRO, Wedgewood Weddings

They researched you online. You are a match for their venue look, date, and budget. The tour exceeded their expectations. They appear to be all-in. Why haven’t they booked?

  • Best time to follow up
  • Match the message to the clients
  • Leverage tech for bookings and sales

Venue Dream Team:Increase Sales And Decrease Stress

Dana Kadwell, Co-Owner Hustle & Gather

You didn’t start your venue business to be stressed out working seven days a week. Your dream wasn’t sleepless nights and constant headaches. Top-tier venues have strong leadership and systems. How do you build an unstoppable team, increase your closing ratio, and get your life back?

  • Hiring practices to determine stellar candidates
  • Management style quiz
  • How to pay employees and how it impacts your bottom line

The Future Of Venues:Trends That Shape The Industry

Shannon Tarrant, Co-Founder, Wedding Venue Map & Venue Help Desk

They dream of how their wedding will look…you dream about the potential profits. With competing venues to your north, south, east, and west, it feels like they’re all out to block your bookings. To future-proof your venue, it’s not about walking to the next trend…it’s time for a full-blown sprint.

  • Tech-driven experiences
  • High-profit venue ad-ons
  • Top 10 trends that drive venue books

On The Money:Venue Revenue Streams

Kristin Binford, Owner, Haue Valley

Wedding couples book their venue before any other wedding service. Your timing is perfect for add-ons and up-sell opportunities. With research from 3,000 venue owners, discover the science behind making the highest profit, the psychology of when to ask for upgrades, and which services are the most lucrative. Watch your venue and bank account grow.

  • Venue price lists and add-ons
  • Nine ways to add profit
  • All-inclusive vs. a la carte

Smooth Operator:Time-Saving Venue Systems

Joe Rare, CEO, Wedding Booking System

You lead a venue team, but the process seems to get more and more complicated. With so many emails, spreadsheets, calendars, and event details, something is bound to get overlooked. What is the best way to prioritize sales and new bookings? How do you create smooth business processes that save you time and increase your revenue?

  • Top venue time wasters and how to avoid them
  • Get the right people into the right positions
  • Automation that saves time and money